
Sub Juniors 6-10 Yrs

Term 1 2023

Classes Commence 

Saturday 4th February, 2023, 10:00am-12:30pm


6 – 10 years old

Saturdays 10:00-12:30pm

Atwell College, Brenchley Drive, Atwell

Age as of 31st December each year.

Sub-Junior and Junior class times may be increased during 2nd and 3rd term or there may be some scheduled extra trainings.

New members to calisthenics will receive the first class free.

Sub-Juniors 6-10 Yrs

Term 1- 3 2023 - $200 per term

Includes Class fees and coaches' wages

Sundries Contribution - $100 per term (Terms 1-3)

Includes Costumes hire, competition entry, hair products, all equipment as outlined in Parent Handbook

Term 4 2023 - $60 per term

Fancy Costume - $80 approx. (TBA)

CAWA Affiliation - $75

Compulsory Training Camp - TBA

Roster Levy (to be refunded upon completion of club rosters) - $60.00 per family